Adobe Acrobat Pro License Code
Tetra 4D Reviewer (previously called 3D Reviewer) is the original technology that Tetra4D Converter was built upon. This software is included when you try or purchase Tetra4D Converter / Enrich and it shares the same license code as the main product. Links to download this software can be found on your customer portal.
The MathWorks' MATLAB is an interactive environment for numeric computation that specializes in working with matrices. It combines a powerful user interface with 2-D and 3-D graphics and a comprehensive library of mathematical analysis techniques. Commercial use is prohibited. Additional toolboxes may be ordered. Please contact Cathy Mertz of The Mathworks at 248-675-3310 or to inquire about quotations and orders for additional toolboxes. In this case The Mathworks will generate any additional license codes for add-on toolboxes (Child Licenses) for you to combine during installation with your Standard Configuration license codes.The MATLAB TAH Install Guide provides details on how to install additional toolbox licenses NOT in the Ohio State Standard Configuration along with the TAH license for the Standard Ohio State license configuration.
The license also includes Amos (Analysis of MOment Structures), which implements the general approach to data analysis known as structural equation modeling. The software license code must be renewed on an annual basis. The IT Service Desk will provide license codes. Software must be returned to OCIO or left with your department when you leave Ohio State.
Contact Research Computing ( to request an activation code and download link. Note that we have limited licenses and may not be able to fulfill your request. Student licenses are available at here.
Compare anything you get from Belarc or similar tools with a known serial number to ensure you're getting a real license code. Sometimes those tools turn up odd stuff that isn't really the license key. YMMV. 153554b96e